This has been a bad year in so many ways for so many of us. Loved ones abroad in foreign wars, no money in pockets, homes in foreclosure, spirits depressed, hearts in anguish. This year of turmoil ran roughshod over many of us, like a bull thrashing at a matador.
Still, we must needs go on. This is a spirit, a pathway of renewal, that lays open to us. There is the story of a Star, Wise Men, a Baby...where do we begin to fit in? What is our role? This year, in this hemisphere, a moon showed bright and silver, a sign perhaps of the importance of hope, a hope that does indeed give reason to this season.
And, so, on this eve of Christmas morn, let us refresh ourselves. Let us listen to the hoary carols with fresh ears. Let us draw closer to our loved ones and set aside the emails, blackberries, twitter and all else that causes us to be estranged fro that which we ought to hold so dear.
Presents they brought to Him, of gold, frankinsense, myrhh. What presents will we bring to those we love? What will be our presents to open? Are our minds, hearts, souls, so ravaged and putrid from reversals of fortune ready to receive the gifts that are given, not by large, self-important department stores, but by the small, still voice of truth?
This is the time. This is the year. Let us open to the call of renewal and to follow the path of light given to us.
Doula Angelita wishes each and every one a Happy Christmas, and hopes that this season is one of refreshment and renewal.
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